John and Katherine Tomaszewski
Tomaszewski Rodowod
Tomaszewski Family Tree
Tomaszewski Family Tree
Tomaszewski Rodowod
John Tomaszewski , approximately 40 years old, and Katherine Cyran, aged 20 married on July 19, 1908, in St Casimir Church in the Polish neighborhood in Cleveland's east side. They settled in an apartment on East 28th Street in Lorain. John worked at U. S. Steel and Katherine tended to the boarder they took in. In 1914 John and Katherine purchased a home at 1310 West 20th Street. There they raised their family of seven children. During the Depression the family relied on their one acre garden, chickens, ducks and cow to get them through. They sold milk to their neighbors at six cents a quart.
John, known to his family as "JaJa" retired from U.S. Steel. He died at the age of 92 on April 7, 1959.
Katherine continued to live in their family home, renting out the second floor. She suffered a stroke in 1970 and passed away at St. Joseph's Hospital on April 24, 1971 at the age of 82.
W 20th Street